Energy Cheat

I know, I really shouldn’t be posting this because I’m supposed to be dead on this blog but…

I’ve found an easy cheat to get energy!

Using Memepony’s suggestion to play Wild Slinger to get energy, I went ahead and did so. And I’ve found a glitch!

So, here it is!

1) Go to all the way to the right side of Pet Town and click on the Pet Games. Once you’ve clicked that, the games should pop up. Choose Wild Slinger.


2) Play Wild Slinger! Memepony reccomends choosing the hard mode because it helps you work on 2 medals at once, and you can get more stars. 😀


3) Go ahead and complete all the levels successfully.

4) This is the most important step. Only click the close button to exit, and every time you click it you’ll get an energy.


Now click okay on the y  part super fast multiple times. It’ll allow to click close and okay really fast so you can get tons of energy.

Want proof?


Posting a video tutorial soon which will not be edited, but just raw video to ensure everyone that I didn’t edit, since there’s always that one person who nags about it. :/

Edit: Here it is!



P.S.: Today’s my birthday and now I can proclaim myself as the cringey 12 year old who shouldn’t be on the internet, hoorah! 😀


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