Galactic Dress

Hello my friends!

So today I’ll be styling the “Galactic Dress”, an event prize from the Fantage Blackout Event 2015.

galactic dress

It looks like that. ^^

It’s a short, mysterious dress. It’s perfect for prom, a party, or any event which you’d wear a fancy dress! I personally kinda wear it a LOT; it’s one of my favorite dresses to wear on Fantage!

Here’s how I’d wear it on Fantage!

galactic dress styled

The outfits are sort of playful, and sophisticated! Comment down below which is your favorite! I can’t choose between the 2nd and 4th outfits!

If you’d like to purchase this dress for 500 gold, I have 2 for sale. 🙂

cutiecake signature yay finally

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